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Tropical Fruits

A bit about me



Menopausal symptom support

Gut and digestive support

Bone health

Cardiovascular health

I'm Nisha, a qualified nutritional therapist, living in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. 


My journey to becoming a nutritional therapist began whilst I was studying for a degree in Business IT. Whilst on placement in a finance company, I was immersed in a world of more disposable income than I had ever had. With little responsibility in my personal life at the time, I was free to live a very indulgent lifestyle. By the end of the year, it was safe to say I had put on several kilos and none of my university clothes fit anymore. Enter "lifestyle change". What began as a short term goal to lose weight, became a lifelong interest in nutrition and how the food we eat affects our bodies. 


Following university, I embarked upon a career in Finance. Armed with all my DIY research, I did my best to lead a healthy, yet social lifestyle. A few years later a friend introduced me to a Nutritional Therapy course at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and although I spent time deliberating my next steps, ultimately, the decision was made for me. An opportunity for promotion had come up, which made me question if this was really what I wanted to do. The answer was a resounding no. 


From that moment on, everything else came racing into place. I started the course shortly after getting married and after a break with baby no 1, I qualified just before baby no 2 arrived. This did result in a graduation picture, in which I am heavily pregnant! 


The company I was working for, whilst studying, was taking part in a government-led project, the Women in Leadership Programme. The initiative seeked to increase the number of women in leadership roles so that our voices can be heard at the top table. I was asked to support with some internal primary research. Listening to women talking about their experiences opened my eyes to the harsh reality of gender inequalities that have been normalised in the workplace.


Alongside this project, I was studying the pathophysiology of menopause and something clicked.  There is a point in a woman's life where she may be asked to become a professional juggler: caring for her children, sick parents, running a household, at the peak of her career and potentially working twice as hard as a man to achieve her next promotion. However, this may also be happening as her body starts to experience changes. Changes which can hold her back because she can no longer focus like she used to, whether it is because of broken sleep,  random sweating since her sleep is broken or starts to sweat during a presentation or she is labelled "emotional" by her family because she is easier to anger.


This was when I realised I had the power and passion to help women be their best version. By sharing what I have learnt, I want to help and empower women to take back control of their bodies at a time when the demands of life counterintuitive to the demands of their bodies.

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